Syntax: ECHO2CON
(Filter) (32-bit executable file)
Copyright (c) Gareth B. Dolby 1997-2014
This filter sends the data from its standard input to both the standard output and the standard error device. REDIRECTION of the standard input and standard output is possible. The standard error device is always the console.
ECHO2CON is handy when you are troubleshooting a filter sequence. Placing ECHO2CON inside the sequence allows you to see intermediate results without disrupting the sequence itself.
Example using ECHO2CON, LOWER, UNIQUE and WORDS:
LOWER < book.txt | WORDS ‘- | ECHO2CON | SORT | UNIQUE >words.txt
will create WORDS.TXT; a LOWER-case list of all the UNIQUEWORDS contained in BOOK.TXT. ECHO2CON will display those WORDS before they are SORTed.
Syntax: AFTER [+n|-n|+0n|-0n][key|ch[ar]] [<prefix>]
(Filter) (32-bit executable file)
Copyright (c) Gareth B. Dolby 1997-2014
This parse filter only includes the remainder of each line AFTER the KEY character. The beginning of the line is excluded. The KEY itself is excluded. The default KEY is groups of spaces and tabs. REDIRECTION of the input and output is possible.
The sizes of input and output files are unlimited, while the length of lines is only limited by memory.
+n only includes the remainder AFTER the Nth occurrence of the KEY, counting forward from the beginning of each line. If the Nth KEY does not exist, includes the entire line as-is. Default is +1.
-n only includes the remainder AFTER the Nth occurrence of the KEY, counting backward from the end of each line. If the Nth KEY does not exist, includes the entire line as-is.
+0n only includes the remainder AFTER the Nth occurrence of the KEY, counting forward from the beginning of each line. If the Nth KEY does not exist, the entire line is excluded. N defaults to 1.
-0n only includes the remainder AFTER the Nth occurrence of the KEY, counting backward from the end of each line. If the Nth KEY does not exist, the entire line is excluded. N defaults to 1.
KEY is optionally any single, visible, (Graphic black-space) character. Letters are case-sensitive.
CHARexcludes +N CHARacters counting forward from the beginning or includes -N CHARacters counting backward from the end of each line, instead of using a KEY character. Tabs are treated as one CHARacter. Default is +1.
HINT:If your KEY is a digit, place it before your + or – option on the command line; e.g. 2+3, not +32, not +3 2, not +3 2. Similarly, the KEY may be + or -.
PREFIX is an optional string that replaces the excluded portion at the beginning of each line. BATCH replaceable parameters and the following escape sequences are supported within the PREFIX:
// | / |
/nnn | any single decimal byte. nnn may range from 0 to 255. |
/b | Backspace, (BS: /8) does not delete the previous byte. |
/f | Form-Feed, (FF: /12) |
/n | liNe-feed, (LF: /13) |
/r | carriage-Return, (CR: /10) |
/s | space, (/32) |
/t | Tab, (HT: /9) |
/q | ” (Quote: /34). |
/v | | (Vertical tab: /11). |
/: | % (percent: /37). |
/[ | < (less-than/left angle bracket: /60). |
/] | > (greater-than/right angle bracket: /62). |
/d0 | inserts the text BEFORE and including the KEY. |
/d1 | inserts another copy of the text AFTER the KEY. |
/d2 | inserts another EoL as found in the standard input. |
/d3 | inserts as /d0/d1/d2 above. |
/# | inserts the number of this line. |
/& | inserts the number of bytes examined. |
If / is followed by any other character, it is interpreted according to SR.
Example using AFTER, BEFORE and UNIQUE
BEFORE +3 <p.s|SINGLES :|LOWER|find “:call:”|AFTER -1: |sort|UNIQUE /U
will FIND all CALLs in assembly file P.S, delete their comments (BEFORE +3), ignore tabs (SINGLES) and differences in case (LOWER), extract the labels and “CALL” (AFTER -1:), SORT them and display those which are called only once (UNIQUE /U). This reveals subroutines that could be integrated into the calling section. It still works if there is neither space nor tab between “label:” and “call”.
Errors are per SR ERRORLEVELS.
Syntax: BEFORE [+n|-n|+0n|-0n][key|ch[ar]] [<suffix>]
(Filter) (32-bit executable file)
Copyright (c) Gareth B. Dolby 1997-2014
This parse filter only includes the beginning of each line BEFORE the KEY character. The remainder of the line is excluded. The KEY itself is excluded. The default KEY is groups of spaces and tabs. REDIRECTION of the input and output is possible.
The sizes of input and output files are unlimited, while the length of lines is only limited by memory.
+n only includes the beginning BEFORE the Nth occurrence of the KEY, counting forward from the beginning of each line. If the Nth KEY does not exist, includes the entire line as-is. Default is +1.
-n only includes the beginning BEFORE the Nth occurrence of the KEY, counting backward from the end of each line. If the Nth KEY does not exist, includes the entire line as-is.
+0n only includes the beginning BEFORE the Nth occurrence of the KEY, counting forward from the beginning of each line. If the Nth KEY does not exist, the entire line is excluded. N defaults to 1.
-0n only includes the beginning BEFORE the Nth occurrence of the KEY, counting backward from the end of each line. If the Nth KEY does not exist, the entire line is excluded. N defaults to 1.
KEY is optionally any single, visible, (Graphic black-space) character. Letters are case-sensitive.
CHARincludes +N CHARacters counting forward from the beginning or excludes -N CHARacters counting backward from the end of each line, instead of using a KEY character. Tabs are treated as one CHARacter. Default is +1.
HINT: If your KEY is a digit, place it before your + or – option on the command line; e.g. 2+3, not +32, not +3 2, not +3 2. Similarly, the KEY may be + or -.
SUFFIX is an optional string that replaces the excluded portion at the end of each line. BATCH replaceable parameters and the following escape sequences are supported within the SUFFIX:
// | / |
/nnn | any single decimal byte. nnn may range from 0 to 255. |
/b | Backspace, (BS: /8) does not delete the previous byte. |
/f | Form-Feed, (FF: /12) |
/n | liNe-feed, (LF: /13) |
/r | carriage-Return, (CR: /10) |
/s | space, (/32) |
/t | Tab, (HT: /9) |
/q | ” (Quote: /34). |
/v | | (Vertical tab: /11). |
/: | % (percent: /37). |
/[ | < (less-than/left angle bracket: /60). |
/] | > (greater-than/right angle bracket: /62). |
/d0 | inserts another copy of the text BEFORE the KEY. |
/d1 | inserts the text including and AFTER the KEY. |
/d2 | inserts another EoL as found in the standard input. |
/d3 | inserts as /d0/d1/d2 above. |
/# | inserts the number of this line. |
/& | inserts the number of bytes examined. |
If / is followed by any other character, it is interpreted according to SR.
Example using AFTER, BEFORE and UNIQUE
Example using AFTER, BEFORE and UNIQUE:
DIR /a-d c:\ |AFTER +4 “CALL john ” |BEFORE “-1.” “.*” |UNIQUE |find “.*” >tmp.cmd
creates a working COMMAND file called TMP.CMD. TMP.CMD will include a line for each file in C:\ with an extension, excluding directories. For the file “C:\setup.log”, the resulting line would look like this:
CALL john setup.*
Executing TMP.CMD requires that JOHN.CMD exists, too. The code of JOHN.CMD would use %1 to do something with the named file(s).
Errors are per SR ERRORLEVELS.
Syntax: LOWER
(Filter) (32-bit executable file)
Copyright (c) Gareth B. Dolby 1997-2014
This filter translates every letter to LOWER-case. REDIRECTION of the input and output is possible.
The sizes of input and output files are unlimited, while the sizes of words are only limited by memory.
Example using LOWER, UNIQUE and WORDS
Example using LOWER and SINGLES
Example using LOWER, UNIQUE and WORDS:
LOWER < book.txt | WORDS ‘- | sort | UNIQUE /C | sort /R > words.lst
will create and fill WORDS.LST with a LOWER-case list of all the UNIQUEWORDS contained in BOOK.TXT, including and SORTed according to their frequencies. Furthermore, the most frequent words will be listed first and words with equal frequencies will be listed in Reverse alphabetical order. The list provides a statistical glossary of BOOK.TXT.
Errors are per SR ERRORLEVELS.
Syntax: PREFIX <string>
(Filter) (32-bit executable file)
Copyright (c) Gareth B. Dolby 1997-2014
This filter prepends STRING to the beginning of each line. The STRING should be surrounded by double quotes if it includes < |, >. Double quotes may also be a part of the STRING. REDIRECTION of the input and output is possible.
The sizes of input and output files are unlimited, while the length of lines is only limited by memory.
BATCH replaceable parameters and the following escape sequences are also supported within the STRING:
// | / |
/nnn | any single decimal byte. nnn may range from 0 to 255. |
/b | Backspace, (BS: /8) does not delete the previous byte. |
/f | Form-Feed, (FF: /12) |
/n | liNe-feed, (LF: /13) |
/r | carriage-Return, (CR: /10) |
/s | space, (/32) |
/t | Tab, (HT: /9) |
/q | ” (Quote: /34). |
/v | | (Vertical tab: /11). |
/: | % (percent: /37). |
/[ | < (less-than/left angle bracket: /60). |
/] | > (greater-than/right angle bracket: /62). |
/d1 | inserts another EoL as found in the standard input. |
/# | inserts the number of this line. |
/& | inserts the number of input bytes examined. |
If / is followed by any other character, it is interpreted according to SR.
Example using PREFIX and SUFFIX
Example using PREFIX and SUFFIX:
DIR /a-d/b | PREFIX “MOVE ” | SUFFIX ” %temp%” > tmp.bat
creates a working BATCH file called TMP.BAT. That file will include a line for each file found whose archive attribute is set. Directories will be excluded. With the “TEMP” ENVIRONMENT variable SET to “c:\junk”, the resulting line in TMP.BAT for the file AUTOEXEC.BAT would look like this:
Executing TMP.BAT would move all files whose archive attribute is set to C:\JUNK.
Errors are per SR ERRORLEVELS.
Syntax: SINGLE
(Filter) (32-bit executable file)
Copyright (c) Gareth B. Dolby 1997-2014
This filter removes all blank lines. The input’s original EoL style is maintained. REDIRECTION of the input and output is possible.
The sizes of input and output files are unlimited, while the length of lines is only limited by memory.
Example using SINGLE and SUFFIX
Example using SINGLE and SUFFIX:
SINGLE < abc.txt | SUFFIX /d1 > prn:
Prints ABC.TXT with consistent double-line spacing.
Errors are per SR ERRORLEVELS.
Syntax: SINGLES [string]
(Filter) (32-bit executable file)
Copyright (c) Gareth B. Dolby 1997-2014
This filter reduces sets of one or more spaces or tabs to a single space. REDIRECTION of the input and output is possible.
The sizes of input and output files are unlimited, while the sizes of white-spaces are only limited by memory.
STRING is used as the replacement for sets of one or more spaces or tabs instead of replacing them with one space. STRING may contain anything, including BATCH replaceable parameters, but some characters require quotes as follows:
” (tabs) ”
” (spaces) ”
Example using LOWER and SINGLES
Example using LOWER and SINGLES:
SINGLES <program.asm | LOWER | find ” proc “
will reliably FIND all procedures named in assembly file PROGRAM.ASM, ignoring case, tabs and words like “Proceed” and “Microprocessor”, producing a table of procedures contents.
Errors are per SR ERRORLEVELS.
Syntax: SUFFIX <string>
(Filter) (32-bit executable file)
Copyright (c) Gareth B. Dolby 1997-2014
This filter appends STRING to the end of each line. The STRING should be surrounded by double quotes if it contains spaces, tabs, |, < or >. Double quotes may still be a part of the STRING. REDIRECTION of the input and output is possible.
The sizes of input and output files are unlimited, while the length of lines is only limited by memory.
BATCH replaceable parameters and the following escape sequences are also supported within the STRING:
// | / |
/nnn | any single decimal byte. nnn may range from 0 to 255. |
/b | Backspace, (BS: /8) does not delete the previous byte. |
/f | Form-Feed, (FF: /12) |
/n | liNe-feed, (LF: /13) |
/r | carriage-Return, (CR: /10) |
/s | space, (/32) |
/t | Tab, (HT: /9) |
/q | ” (Quote: /34). |
/v | | (Vertical tab: /11). |
/: | % (percent: /37). |
/[ | < (less-than/left angle bracket: /60). |
/] | > (greater-than/right angle bracket: /62). |
/d1 | inserts another EoL as found in the standard input. |
/# | inserts the number of this line. |
/& | inserts the number of bytes examined. |
If / is followed by any other character, it is interpreted according to SR.
Example using PREFIX and SUFFIX
Example using SINGLE and SUFFIX
DIR b:\/a-d/b/s |AFTER : |BEFORE -1. |PREFIX “CALL john c:” |SUFFIX “.*” >tmp.cmd
will create a working COMMAND file called TMP.CMD. The COMMAND file will include a line for each file in all directories of B:\ excluding the subdirectories themselves. For the file “B:\DOS\COMMAND.COM,” the resulting line would look like this:
Executing TMP.CMD requires that JOHN.CMD exists, too. The code of JOHN.CMD would use %1 to do something with all of the like-named file(s) with any extension.
Errors are per SR ERRORLEVELS.
Syntax: UNIQUE [/u]|[[/d][/g][/c][/r][/l][/n][/b]]
(Filter) (32-bit executable file)
Copyright (c) Gareth B. Dolby 1997-2014
This filter omits recurrences of lines. Only UNIQUE lines are included. If the input has been SORTed, all recurrences are omitted. If the input has not been SORTed, only contiguous recurrences are omitted, such as multiple contiguous blank lines. REDIRECTION of the input and output is possible.
The sizes of input and output files are unlimited, while the length of lines is only limited by memory.
Option | Description | Marker | Alias |
/U | only include UniQue lines. Omit all duplicate lines. | /Q /1 | |
/D | only include DuPlicate lines. Omit all unique lines. | /M /P | |
/G | prefix each line with the GrAnd ToTAl of recurrences. | – | /T /A |
/C | prefix each line with its Count of OCCurrenCes. | ; | /O |
/R | prefix each line with its count of RecuRRences. | , | /@ |
/L | prefix each line with its output Line number. | . | /# |
/N | prefix each line with its Input linE NumbEr.The last recurrence is NumbErEd. | : | /I /E |
/B | prefix each line with the number of BYtes observed. | = | /& /Y |
Slashes, spaces and tabs (/ ) within options are not required.
Numbers generated by the prefix options above use a fixed size for the right-justified, space-padded numbers that allows for correct post-sorting. See SR COUNTERS for details.
The Marker character above will be included following each of the numbers generated by prefix options above to mark their identity. These Markers are followed by one tab.
If multiple prefix options are used, those numbers will be generated in the order shown above.
Example using AFTER, BEFORE and UNIQUE
Example using LOWER, UNIQUE and WORDS
Example 1 using UNIQUE, UPPER and WORDS
Example 2 using UNIQUE, UPPER and WORDS
Example using UNIQUE, UPPER and WORDS:
UPPER < book.txt | WORDS ‘- | SORT | UNIQUE /C | SORT /R > words.lst
will create and fill WORDS.LST with a UPPER-case list of all the UNIQUEWORDS contained in BOOK.TXT, including and SORTed according to their frequencies. Furthermore, the most frequent words will be listed first and words with equal frequencies will be listed in Reverse alphabetical order. The list provides a statistical glossary of BOOK.TXT.
8 Illegal combination of options. /U option ignored.
Otherwise, errors are per SR ERRORLEVELS.
Syntax: UPPER
(Filter) (32-bit executable file)
Copyright (c) Gareth B. Dolby 1997-2014
This filter translates every letter to UPPER-case. REDIRECTION of the input and output is possible.
The sizes of input and output files are unlimited, while the sizes of words are only limited by memory.
Example 1 using UNIQUE, UPPER and WORDS
Example 2 using UNIQUE, UPPER and WORDS
Example using UNIQUE, UPPER and WORDS:
UPPER < book.txt | WORDS ‘ | SORT | UNIQUE > words.txt
fills WORDS.TXT with an UPPER-case SORTed glossary of all UNIQUE WORDS in BOOK.TXT.
Errors are per SR ERRORLEVELS.
Syntax: WORDS [<embedded>] [<separator>]
(Filter) (32-bit executable file)
Copyright (c) Gareth B. Dolby 1997-2014
This filter separates WORDS such that there is only one word per line. It does so by converting all sets of white-space and non-alphabetic characters to a new line. REDIRECTION of the input and output is possible.
The sizes of input and output files are unlimited, while the sizes of words plus white-space and non-alphabetic characters are only limited by memory.
The <EMBEDDED> characters may be included in the words, but words must still start with a letter. Typical text embedded characters are ‘-. Typical technical embedded characters are _0123456789. Additional characters allowed in DOS 8.3 file names are !~-_0123456789. Additional characters allowed in long file names are .#$%&'()@^`{}.
It also supports an optional SEPARATOR to replace the default new line separator. The replacement may have escape sequences as defined in SR for STRING2.
If this HELP section was filtered by WORDS, the result would start with:
Example using LOWER, UNIQUE and WORDS
Example 1 using UNIQUE, UPPER and WORDS
Example 2 using UNIQUE, UPPER and WORDS
BEFORE ; <a.asm |AFTER +02 |WORDS _0987654321 |UPPER |SORT |UNIQUE
isolates the operands in assembly file A.ASM. It will segregate the portion that is BEFORE their comments (;) and AFTER 2 tabulations. The WORDS are extracted, allowing for _0987654321 characters and then converted to UPPER-case. They are SORTed and only the UNIQUE ones are shown. The assembler would generate an error message for these operands.
Refer to SR ERRORLEVELS if WORDS reports an error.
Syntax: SR string1 [string2] [<] [>]
(Filter) (32-bit executable file)
Copyright (c) Gareth B. Dolby 1997-2014
This filter performs a global Search-and-Replace operation as word processors do, replacing bytes (ASCII characters), but from a command PROMPT on any file type. All portions of the standard input matching STRING1’s pattern are replaced by STRING2 in the standard output. If STRING2 is null, all portions matching STRING1’s pattern are deleted. All portions not matching STRING1’s pattern remain intact, unless the /K option is used. BATCH replaceable parameters are allowed. REDIRECTION of the input and output is possible.
The sizes of input and output files are unlimited, while the sizes of FINDINGS are only limited by memory.
Tabs are not automatically expanded. Control Z and NULL are given no special meanings. SR does not change anything except what you specify, so it works on any file type.
The STRINGS on the command line should be enclosed between double quotes (“”) if they have any spaces, tabs, >, < or | and while running under Linux, Unix or CYGWIN.
Note that SR has many other personae that simplify its complex command-line parameters. These personae perform preprocessing of SR’s command-line parameters. They are named for what they do:
SR.EXE also has an alias, because there are many programs out there by the same name. You can use SR!.EXE, instead by typing SR! in place of SR. You may delete SR.EXE from your installed directory to allow your other SR.EXE to run normally.
FINDINGS: definition
The FINDINGS grow as a portion of the standard input is found to match STRING1‘s pattern and are completed when a portion of the standard input is found to match STRING1’s entire pattern. That matching portion becomes the FINDINGS.
Example: Positive Replace
SR “John Kennedy” “Ron Reagan” < letter.txt > PRN:
changes each instance of “John Kennedy” to “Ron Reagan” in LETTER.TXT and prints it. The FINDINGS are John Kennedy.
If a LITERAL is preceded by a slash (/), then it is no longer a LITERAL, but becomes an ESCAPE SEQUENCE.
STRING1 and STRING2 in the command line may include the ESCAPE SEQUENCES listed in the following sections in UPPER-CASE or lower-case, except UNDEFINED ESCAPE SEQUENCES.
EXACTION: definition
An EXACTION is an ESCAPE SEQUENCE, described by 2 or more characters, that represents only one byte.
Some ASCII characters are not taken literally, because they edit, delimit, replace or terminate the command line, or they REDIRECT the command’s inputs and outputs, so SR includes EXACTIONS to represent these ASCII characters:
EXACTION | Result |
/b | Backspace, (BS: /8) does not delete the previous byte. |
/t | Tab (/9) |
/n | liNe-feed (/10) |
/v | | (Vertical tab: /11) |
/f | FormFeed (/12) |
/r | carriage-Return (/13) |
/q | ” (Quote: /34) |
/: | % (percent: /37) |
// | / (slash: /47) |
/[ | < (less-than/left angle bracket: /60) |
/] | > (greater-than/right angle bracket: /62) |
/nnn | a byte in decimal radix; 0 to 255, e.g. /208 |
LITERALS: definition
LITERALS are WYSIWYG (what-you-see-is-what-you-get) ASCII characters.
EoL: definition
EoLs (End-of-Lines) are the invisible control character(s) that terminate lines in text files. Four types of EoLs are supported. You can use SR and the table of EoL ESCAPE SEQUENCES below to convert from any of 5 EoL types to another and back.
EoL | Operating Systems |
“/n” | Unix, GNU/Linux, Multics, OSX, FreeBSD, AIX, Xenix, BeOS, Amiga, RISC. |
“/r” | Mac OS through version OS-9, Commodore, Acorn BBC, TRS-80, Apple II. |
“/r/n” | Windows, DOS, TOPS-10, RT-11, CP/M, MP/M, TOS, OS/2, Symbian, Palm. |
“/n/r” | Acorn BBC and RISC spooled text output. |
“/30” | QNX pre-POSIX implementation, before version 4. |
The /30 EoL above is not automatically supported by SR, but the other four are automatically recognized while EOL-SENSITIVITY is active. By default, EOL-SENSITIVITY is off, so EoLs are ignored. EOL-SENSITIVITY is activated if STRING1 includes a HOMED MODE OPTION, a LOCATOR MODIFIER or a LINE PARSER.
Example: Macintosh EoL conversion
Example: Macintosh EoL conversion
SR < file.mac > file.unix /R /N
converts all carriage-returns to line-feeds, converting Mac text into Unix text, making them more compatible with Windows text.
Example: Positive Delete
sr “/n/r” < file.dos > file.txt
deletes all blank lines from the Windows-formatted file FILE.DOS or deletes all EoLs from Acorn-formatted files and stores it as FILE.TXT.
WILDCARDS are the ESCAPE SEQUENCES that test for a member from a group of possible ASCII characters, or just any byte:
/# | any ASCII digit [0-9] {/g & /!/i & /!/m} |
/& | either ASCII binary digit 0 or 1 (48 | 49) |
/* | any byte (0-255) |
/? | any ASCII digit or letter ignoring case {/# | /i} |
/a | any ASCII character (0-127) {/c | /p} |
/c | any ASCII Control character (0-31 | 127) {/a & /!/p} |
/g | any ASCII Graphic (black-space) character (33-126) {/p & /!/s} |
/i | any ASCII letter Ignoring case {/l | /u} |
/l | any ASCII Lower case letter [a-z] |
/m | any ASCII punctuation Mark {/g & /!/?} |
/o | any ASCII Octal digit [0-7] |
/p | any ASCII Printable character (32-126) {/a & /!/c} |
/s | either ASCII Space or tab (32 | 9) |
/u | any ASCII Upper case letter [A-Z] |
/w | any ASCII White-space character (9-13 | 32) |
/x | any ASCII heXadecimal character ignoring case [0-9 | a-f | A-F] |
/$ | any quantity of ASCII spaces or tabs (32 | 9) |
OPTION: definition
An OPTION is an ESCAPE SEQUENCE embedded anywhere within STRING1 or STRING2, as required, that changes the operating mode of SR for this duration. Any combination of options may be used.
/h is an OPTION that Homes all tests to align at the beginning of lines. It activates EOL-SENSITIVITY. The test-point will be moved forward to the beginning of the next line automatically, if necessary before testing for STRING1.
Without /H, SR tests relentlessly. For the command SR “/e/-/@9” “/o/d/r/n”, that relentless testing finds recurrences where the next line(s) match the remainder of the first line. /H solves this in the command SR “/H/e/-/@9” “/o/d/r/n”.
/y is an OPTION saying “Yes, do display all counter values and the ERRORLEVEL on the console after execution.” Below is an example. Your results will vary.
SR (Copyright Gareth B. Dolby 10 2013)
received 80666 bytes,
transmitted 99076 bytes,
counted 2630 lines,
replaced 2630 findings,
used 128 KB of RAM and returned
errorlevel 0.
Otherwise, SR remains quiet unless a fatal error occurs.
The ERRORLEVEL will reveal warnings that might otherwise not be displayed. Decode the meanings of warnings and errors at the end of this document under ERRORLEVELS.
SR /y/h/=/-60/*/r/n <book1.doc >PRN:
deletes lines with DOS EoLs and exactly 60 other characters in BOOK1.DOC and prints the remainder. It also displays counter values and the ERRORLEVEL on the console (/Y) to help debug the search-and-replace process.
/k is an OPTION that Kills all standard output that is not described by STRING2. Otherwise, SR transmits bytes as-is that fail the tests of STRING1.
ITEM: definition (STRING1 only)
ITEMS are LITERALS, EXACTIONS, WILDCARDS, DELIMITERS, PARSERS and COMPARISONS. An ITEM can be expressed with one character, as in “Z”, or MODIFIED many times, as in “/=/!/+5/-10/\Z”.
MODIFIERS: definition (STRING1 only)
MODIFIERS modify the behavior of ITEMS. They may be combined in any order to modify one ITEM as long as all MODIFIERS precede their ITEM. A slash is required for each MODIFIER, EXACTION, WILDCARD, DELIMITER, REPEATER, PARSER and COMPARISON.
OPTIONS cannot be MODIFIED, but since OPTIONS are not ITEMS, MODIFIERS and OPTIONS ignore each other.
MODIFIERS at the end of STRING1 are ignored.
/= /_ | LOCATES this item, instead of testing for it. |
/+[n] | MIN: continues for N (decimal) occurrences or more of this ITEM. |
/-[n] | MAX: continues for N (decimal) occurrences or less of this ITEM. |
/! | tests for NOT this ITEM. |
/\ | tests BACKWARD for this ITEM or mirrors this PARSER. |
LOCATE MODIFIERS LOCATE the MIN-MAXth occurrence of their ITEM on the remainder of this line and position the next test-point while keeping all bytes prior to their ITEM as a part of the FINDINGS.
LOCATORS preserve those bytes before their ITEM to be repeated, tested, deleted, etc. Otherwise, SR ignores EoLs and transmits bytes as-is that fail the tests of STRING1. LOCATORS break this behavior.
The two LOCATORS work the same as each other, except for where they position the next test-point. /_ stops before its ITEM in the direction used while /= stops after its ITEM in the direction used (forward or BACKWARD).
/_ | LOCATES the MIN-MAXth ITEM on this line and stops before it. |
/= | LOCATES the MIN-MAXth ITEM on this line and stops after it. |
/_/= | /= is ignored if /_ is also used to MODIFY the same ITEM. |
LOCATORS fail if the end of this line occurs first or its ITEM is /R or /N, due to having EOL-SENSITIVITY.
Without MIN or MAX, only 1 ITEM is tested. MIN and MAX modify the required quantity. MAX sets the maximum required quantity. MIN sets the minimum required quantity. They will test for or locate an ITEM more than once and allow for a quantity of 0.
/+[n]is the MINentry.
/-[n]is the –MAX entry. It is used as a positive number.
The range of MIN is 0 to -MAX. A MIN of 0 prevents failure.
The range of -MAX is MIN to the size of available memory (effectively infinity).
MIN and MAX Dynamic Defaults:
The MIN and MAX MODIFIERS’ values have dynamic defaults according to the following rules:
1) MIN and MAX default to 1 and are then subject to rules 2 through 7 below, so “Z” tests for exactly 1 “Z” byte.
2) If both MIN and MAX values are specified, then nothing defaults, so “/+3/-7Z” tests for 3 to 7 occurrences of “Z” bytes.
3) If a value for MAX is specified, but MIN is not invoked, then MIN defaults to MAX, so “/-7Z” tests for exactly 7 occurrences of “Z”.
4) If MAX is used without a value, then MAX defaults to the amount of memory available, so “/-Z” tests for 1 or more occurrences of “Z”.
5) If a value for MIN is specified, but MAX is not invoked, then MAX defaults to the amount of memory available, so “/+3Z” tests for 3 or more occurrences of “Z”.
6) If MIN is used without a value, then MIN defaults to 0, so “/+Z” tests for 0 to 1 occurrences of “Z” and cannot fail.
7) MIN may not be greater than -MAX. If violated, the last value specified will be used for both MIN and MAX.
These 7 rules cover 9 situations for the MIN and MAX values, summarized in the matrix below to search for “Z”. They provide 8 different ways to MODIFY an ITEM’s search quantity:
STRING1 | MAX | ||
MIN | (none) | /- | /-7 |
Z | 1 “Z” | 1 to infinity “Z” | 7 “Z” |
/+Z | 0 or 1 “Z” | 0 to infinity “Z” | 0 to 7 “Z” |
/+3Z | 3 to infinity “Z” | 3 to infinity “Z” | 3 to 7 “Z” |
Infinity represents the amount of memory available.
Note:Large MIN and MAX values influence the amount of memory SR uses.
/! is the NOT MODIFIER, which inverts the test result to test for anything other than this ITEM. It also makes LITERALS and EXACTIONS act like WILDCARDS. “/!/+2/-8Z” tests for 2 to 8 occurrences of bytes that are NOT “Z”.
Example: Negative Replace
SR /+1/!/i /r/n < letter.txt | sort | UNIQUE
displays a SORTED list of the UNIQUE words found in LETTER.TXT, but cannot recognize words containing punctuation.
/\ is the BACKWARD MODIFIER, which tests BACKWARD (left), instead of forward (right). BACKWARD tests are limited to STRING1’s FINDINGS so far, so do not test BACKWARD until you have first tested forward. Attempts to test BACKWARD behind the first ITEM of STRING1 will stop.
When combined with MIN and MAX, a BACKWARD test could reach the first ITEM, again, as in “/\/+0/*”, but use “/j” as a short-cut to get to that first ITEM, instead.
DRUDGES: definition
DRUDGES are ITEMS that do tedious, menial, or unpleasant work. Most DRUDGES process many bytes, instead of one, so DRUDGES are much faster.
/d is a DRUDGE that enumerates locations in the FINDINGS with up to 10 Delimiting markers from 1 to 10. If exceeded, the last DELIMITER in STRING1 will relocate the tenth DELIMITER to its location.
The start and end of the FINDINGS are already DELIMITED.
BACKWARD MODIFIED DELIMITERS (/\/D) will relocate the last DELIMITER to this new location. If there were no prior DELIMITERS, one will be created.
/d[#]is a DRUDGE that REPEATS the DELIMITED FINDINGS from the original standard input to the standard output. # = 0 to 9. Default # = 0.
The repetition stops at the next DELIMITER:
Use | to REPEAT the FINDINGS found… |
/d0 | before DELIMITER 1 of STRING1 |
/d1 | between DELIMITERS 1 and 2 of STRING1 |
/d2 | between DELIMITERS 2 and 3 of STRING1 |
/d3 | between DELIMITERS 3 and 4 of STRING1 |
/d4 | between DELIMITERS 4 and 5 of STRING1 |
/d5 | between DELIMITERS 5 and 6 of STRING1 |
/d6 | between DELIMITERS 6 and 7 of STRING1 |
/d7 | between DELIMITERS 7 and 8 of STRING1 |
/d8 | between DELIMITERS 8 and 9 of STRING1 |
/d9 | between DELIMITERS 9 and last of STRING1 |
/d | before DELIMITER 1 of STRING1 |
If STRING1 has fewer than # DELIMITERS (or none), then “/d[#]” will REPEAT the entire FINDINGS.
If STRING1 has exactly # DELIMITERS, there is no user-defined terminus DELIMITER, so repetition will stop at the end of the FINDINGS, e.g. if STRING1 has exactly 5 DELIMITERS, then “/d5” will REPEAT the remainder of the FINDINGS found after that fifth DELIMITER.
If STRING1 has ten or more DELIMITERS, then that portion of the standard input found after the tenth DELIMITER cannot be REPEATED alone. The tenth DELIMITER can only serve as the terminus for “/d9” and “/@9”.
If STRING1 has more than ten DELIMITERS, then the tenth DELIMITER will mark the last of them, such that “/d9” and “/@9” will use that portion of the standard input found between DELIMITER 9 and the last DELIMITER in STRING1.
Example: Positive Replace and Repeat
Example: Negative Repeat with Delete
Example: Negative Repeat and Insert using BACKWARD
Example: Positive Replace and Repeat
SR John/d/+1/w/dKennedy Ron/d1Reagan < letter.txt
changes each instance of “John Kennedy” to “Ron Reagan” while preserving the white-space. “Kennedy” could be indented on the next line after “John”.
Example: LOCATING bytes
dir |SR “/h/=/-41/*/\/-31/*” “/d9/t” |sort
inserts a tab after the tenth byte on each line from the DIR command that has at least 41 characters and sorts it before it is displayed on the terminal. Listings from DIR and LS commands can be re-formatted many ways.
Example: Negative Repeat with Delete
SR /h/=/-9/*/d/!/g /d0 < letter.txt
deletes the tenth byte from each line in LETTER.TXT unless it is graphic (/!/g) and displays it on the terminal. Shorter lines are not changed.
Example: Negative Repeat and Insert using BACKWARD
SR “/!/-81/r/\/+0/g” “/d9/r/n” <letter.txt
inserts a DOS EoL (/r/n) before the word which occupied the 81st byte wherever LETTER.TXT continued for 81 bytes without any EoLs and displays it on the terminal. Words will not be split. This is the operation of word wrapping to prevent long lines from chopping words onto 2 lines.
These 3 DRUDGES change the case of letters within the DELIMITED FINDINGS and then REPEAT those DELIMITED FINDINGS using the same rules as /d[#]. Non-alphabetic bytes are not changed.
/c[#] | changes the Case of all letters. |
/l[#] | changes upper-case letters to Lower-case. |
/u[#] | changes lower-case letters to Upper-case. |
The case is changed in the buffer, so accessing them again will find the case changes.
Example: Positive Repeat and Insert While Changing Case
Example: Positive Repeat and Insert While Changing Case
DIR /s/b | SR “/i/d:\/d/e” “/L2 on /u0/d3”
displays file names first in lower-case and disks last in upper-case from the “DIR /S/B” command onto the terminal. “C:\CONFIG.SYS” becomes “config.sys on C” and “D:\DOS\XCOPY.EXE” becomes “dos\xcopy.exe on D”, etc. Listings from DIR and LS commands can be re-formatted many ways.
PARSERS: definition (STRING1 only)
PARSERS LOCATE a specific pattern, place a DELIMITER there, position the test-point beyond that pattern and keep all bytes prior to it as part of the FINDINGS.
PARSERS continue to perform their function, even after the supply of 10 DELIMITERS has been placed. The tenth DELIMITER will point to the last DELIMITED byte, even if it was the 50th DELIMITER.
Parsing Lines:
/e is a DRUDGE that parses the remainder of this line with EOL-SENSITIVITY.
Forward tests parse the End of this line, identified by the next EoL. A DELIMITER is placed at the End of this line, before its EoL. The next test will be at the beginning of the next line.
BACKWARD tests parse the beginning of this line, identified by the previous EoL. A DELIMITER is placed at the beginning of this line, after the previous line’s EoL. The next test will be at the end of the previous line.
The end of the file is not an EoL.
LOCATEMODIFIERS of line parsers are ignored.
Example: Positive Delete using a Homed Line Parser
Example: Adding Prefixes and Suffixes
Example: Adding Odd/Even Prefixes and Suffixes
Example: Positive Insert a Suffix
Example: Positive Delete Blank Lines
Uses: Comparing Entire Lines
SR “/h/e/@0”
SR “/h/e/@”
will compare one entire line against the next, excluding their EoL byte(s), while
SR “/h/e/@9”
will include their EoL byte(s), verifying that the lines end identically.
SR “/h/e/+1/@9”
will compare one entire line against the next line… and the next line, stopping when one or its EOL differs. Recurrences are counted.
Example: Positive Delete using a Homed Line Parser
sr < input.c “/h/////e” > file.c
deletes all lines that begin with // from INPUT.C and stores the result in FILE.C. This deletes one type of comment-only lines from C, C#, C++, Java, etc. source files.
Example: Adding Prefixes and Suffixes
SR <document1.txt >>document2.txt “/e” “PREFIX/d0SUFFIX/d1”
adds “PREFIX” to the beginning and “SUFFIX” to the end of all lines found in DOCUMENT1.TXT and appends this to the end of DOCUMENT2.TXT.
Example: Adding Odd/Even Prefixes and Suffixes
SR <document1.txt >>document2.txt “/-2/e” “PREFIX/d0/d1SUFFIX/d2”
adds “PREFIX” to the beginning of odd-numbered lines and “SUFFIX” to the end of even-numbered lines found in DOCUMENT1.TXT and appends this to the end of DOCUMENT2.TXT.
Example: Positive Insert a Suffix
dir /b | SR /e “CALL process /d9” > tmp.bat
creates TMP.BAT, a working BATCH file which includes a line for each file found by the DIR /B COMMAND. A possible line might be:
Executing TMP.BAT requires that PROCESS.BAT exists, too. The code of PROCESS.BAT would use %1 to do something with the named file(s).
Example: Positive Delete Blank Lines
SR “/E/D/-/@1” “/D/D1” <any.txt >book.txt
deletes blank lines of any supported EoL type. SR compares EoLs in ANY.TXT to the next character(s) and omits all recurrences from its output: BOOK.TXT.
Example: Line Swapping
SR “/-5/e” <document1.txt “/d3/d4/d0/d1/d2/d5”
swaps lines 4 and 5 with lines 1, 2 and 3 in DOCUMENT1.TXT, repeating every 5 lines. If DOCUMENT1.TXT has 9 lines, only one such swap will occur.
Parsing Words
/{[set]} is a DRUDGE that parses words.
Words must begin with a letter and may contain any number of letters and the optional [SET] of ASCII characters enclosed within {}. Words end at the first character that is not an ASCII letter or member of [SET].
Forward tests parse the beginning of the next word, identified by the next letter, so they always begin with a letter. A DELIMITER (/d) is placed at the beginning of the word, separating it from whatever preceded it. The next test will be after the end of the parsed word.
BACKWARD tests parse the end of the previous word, identified by the previous letter, so they always end with a letter. A DELIMITER (/d) is placed at the end of the word, separating it from whatever followed it. The next test will be at the beginning of the parsed word.
The [SET] may not contain ESCAPE SEQUENCES; only LITERALS. All [SETs] in all word parsers will be combined.
Uses: Parsing Words
SR “/{}” “/d1/r/n”
parses simple words onto each line.
SR “/{‘-}” “/d1/r/n”
parses common words and phrases.
SR “/{_0123456789}” “/d1/r/n”
parses labels used in programming languages.
SR “/{_()[]0123456789}” “/d1/r/n”
includes arrays and functions used in programming languages.
Example: Finding Sentences
SR “/{+-`’&/@#$0123456789%() ,;:}” “/k/d1./r/n” <any.type |SR /n/+1/-2/!../r
displays whole sentences from the same line in FILE ANY.TYPE, containing common words and phrases, omits everything else, omits tiny sentences, adds periods and DOS EoLs. EOL-SENSITIVITY is off, so if ANY.TYPE is a binary file, all its embedded sentences are displayed, while binary junk is excluded.
Note that the slash within braces is taken literally.
/@[#]is a DRUDGE, that compares the next standard input against the DELIMITED FINDINGS already found @ DELIMITER #, expecting a complete and perfect recurrence. # = 0 to 9. Default # = 0. You cannot make COMPARISONS until after you have developed some FINDINGS to compare against.
Successful COMPARISONS stop at the next DELIMITER (DELIMITER #+1). If there are no more DELIMITERS, successful COMPARISONS stop at the end of the original FINDINGS. In both cases, the FINDINGS then grow.
If there has been fewer than # DELIMITERS so far, the COMPARISON will compare against the entire original FINDINGS. In fact, COMPARISONS MODIFIED by MIN or MAX often need to compare the entire FINDINGS or begin at the last DELIMITER.
The MIN and MAXMODIFIER values of COMPARISONS refer to the number of recurrences, not occurrences nor bytes.
The next test after a successful COMPARISON will be beyond the last recurrence.
The COMPARISON fails if any of the compared standard input differs from their respective DELIMITED byte, DELIMITER # refers to the same byte or DELIMITER # is at or beyond the terminus DELIMITER. The latter of these failures could occur if you built duplicate or BACKWARD DELIMITERS.
For NOT MODIFIED COMPARISONS; the COMPARISON succeeds and the test fails if all of the standard input matches their respective DELIMITED bytes. If any byte does not match, the test passes and the next test will be at the first compared byte, even if that byte matched.
Uses:Positive Compare Adjacent Letters
Example: Positive Delete Partially-Identical Lines
Example: Negative Delete Partially-Differing Lines
Uses:Positive Compare Adjacent Letters
SR “/u/@0”
SR “/u/@”
will find any upper-case letter (/U) and then compare the next byte to it.
Uses:Negative Compare
SR “AB/d/#/dEF/!/@1”
will compare NOT (/!/@1) against the digit found by /# after the first DELIMITER(/D), failing if it is the same. A FINDING might be “AB6EF7”.
Example: Positive Delete Partially-Identical Lines
SR “/h/=,/d/e/d/=,/@1/@2/j3” <any.csv |more
deletes entire lines in ANY.CSV where the second line matches the first line beyond their first commas. Lines with no commas are ignored. The remaining lines are displayed one page at a time. This deletes duplicate records with different data in the first field, since the second line is preserved.
Example: Negative Delete Partially-Differing Lines
sr “/h/=,/d/e/=,/!/@1/e” <letter2.csv >letter3.csv
deletes lines in LETTER2.CSV if the two lines differ after their first commas and stores the remainder in LETTER3.CSV, including lines with no commas. This deletes pairs of duplicate records with different data in the second field.
Uses:Repeating Compares
SR “AB/dCD/d/i/dGH/-5/@2”
will compare against the letter found by /I after the second DELIMITER (/d), repeatedly, failing upon a mismatch or stopping after the fifth recurrence. It would find “ABCDeGHeeeee”. Recurrences are counted. This example would count 5 recurrences.
Several STRING2DRUDGES inject numerical values into the standard output. These values are derived from COUNTERS built into like DRUDGES in STRING1, or are always active, as shown below:
FINDINGS | /# | 1 | Replacements |
/{ | /{ | /w | 1 | Words |
/@ | /@ | /m | 1 | Recurrences |
/@ | /o | 2 | Occurrences (Recurrences+1) |
/@ | /g | 1 | Grand Total Recurrences |
/e | 0 | Lines | |
/& | 1 | Bytes |
/# is the Replacements counter, which always counts FINDINGS that have been Replaced so far.
/{ or /w is the Words counter, which counts all Words parsed so far by all WORD PARSER DRUDGES (/{set} in STRING1).
/@ or /m is the Recurrences counter, which counts REPLACED recurrences found in these FINDINGS by all COMPARISONDRUDGES (/@ in STRING1). The Recurrences counter resets to zero after injection and test failures, before counting the next FINDINGS. Therefore, it does not count successful COMPARISONS where another ITEM in STRING1 failed. Furthermore, recurrences are only counted if the Replacements counter is also incremented.
/o is the Occurrences (Recurrences+1) counter, which injects one more than the Recurrences counter does.
/g is the Grand Total Recurrences counter, which counts REPLACED Recurrences in all FINDINGS observed so far by all COMPARISONDRUDGES (/@ in STRING1). The Grand Total Recurrences is the sum of all Recurrences counts so far.
/e is the Lines counter, which always counts the EoLs observed so far up to the end of the current FINDINGS. It never counts the same line twice. It does not count all EoLs in binary or mixed EoL files.
/& is the Bytes counter, which always counts the bytes observed so far up to the end of the current FINDINGS. It provides the offset to the next byte. Its value wraps back to zero upon ignored overflows.
The Minimum column in the table above estimates the lowest injectable value for a normal, warning-free execution. It is this way because all COUNTERS are incremented before injection, so they include the current FINDINGS.
All COUNTER values begin from zero and are written to the standard output using the same number of ASCII characters with the sortable, decimal unsigned integer right-justified and space-padded. Include custom separators to add clarity.
JUMP: (STRING1 only)
/j[#]is a DRUDGE that Jumps to DELIMITER #. # = 0 to 9. Default # = 0.
/j[#]is used to redirect the next test or remove previously-matched bytes from the FINDINGS.
If there have been fewer than # DELIMITERS so far, /J# will Jump to the beginning of the FINDINGS, as do /J0 and /J.
All MODIFIERS of JUMPS are ignored.
Spaces and tabs can look the same. This is solved by the aforementioned /S WILDCARD. They are also used in groups to indent, but you can’t see how many nor in what order they are. This is solved using “/+1/S”, which is the same as “/-/S”. Spaces and tabs are also used as delimiters to separate and align columns of data for easy reading, but difficult parsing. This is solved using the /$ WILDCARDDRUDGE.
/$ is a WILDCARD DRUDGE ITEM that tests for groups of one or more $paces or tabs (32 or 9), just like /+1/S would. The difference is that /$ ignores MIN and MAX MODIFIERS to reserve them for use with a LOCATEMODIFIER. This gives /$ the power to LOCATE the nth group of one or more $paces or tabs on this line.
The next test will begin at the first byte that is not $pace nor tab.
NOT MODIFIED /$ tests will only advance one byte.
Example: Scanning Across Multiple Groups of White Space
Example: Scanning Across Multiple Groups of White Space
SR “/h/=/-3/$/d/e” <table1.tsv “/d1/d2” >>table2.tsv
will delete all text from the beginning of each line in TABLE1.TSV up to and including the first 3 groups of $paces and tabs and append the remainder to TABLE2.TSV. This can be used to remove the first 3 tabulated records from a database.
Slashes are ignored if the next character is an UNDEFINED ESCAPE SEQUENCE, as listed in 3 groups below. The character after the slash will be taken literally.
/~ | |
/^phrase^ | parses this line at its Nth occurrence of PHRASE. |
/. | parses the next sentence, identified by a period (.). |
/() | parses the next phrase, enclosed inside parentheses (phrase). |
/, | parses the next comma-separated-value. |
/’ | |
/% | gets confused with BATCH replaceable parameters. |
/< | gets confused with redirected standard input. |
/> | gets confused with redirected standard output. |
/| | gets confused with piped standard input and output. |
/” | gets confused with delimiters. |
/ | gets confused with delimiters. |
/; | |
/ | ending STRING1 or STRING2 with just one / is a syntax error. |
/n | OBSOLETE: Carriage-Return or Line-Feed, now just Line-Feed. |
/z | OBSOLETE: reset COUNTERS to Zero, now automated. |
/e | OBSOLETE: imaginary End location, now End-of-line (EoL) parser. |
/h | OBSOLETE: imaginary Home location, now Homes tests. |
/k | Keep whole lines in input buffer. |
/a | /h | /i | /j | ||
/p | /s | /x | /y | ||
/! | /+ | /- | /\ | /? | /* |
SR quickly and relentlessly tests for the first ITEM in STRING1. Each additional ITEM implies a logical AND related to all other ITEMS. Each WILDCARD implies a logical OR for its ITEM. Use SR once for each logical OR that cannot be handled by WILDCARDS or NOT.
Many repercussions arise from using JUMPS and BACKWARDMODIFIERS. These can cause the FINDINGS to exclude previously-observed bytes. These backed-over bytes will not be REPLACED. Instead, they will be included in the next test.
Going back also allows DELIMITERS and PARSERS to build BACKWARD DELIMITERS. Attempts to REPEAT portions between BACKWARD DELIMITERS yields nothing. Attempts to COMPARE portions between BACKWARD DELIMITERS fails.
A DELIMITER beyond the FINDINGS allows you to REPEAT a portion outside the FINDINGS and test that portion again to REPEAT it twice.
Think of the test-point as stopping between bytes when using DELIMITERS, PARSERS, JUMPS and BACKWARD tests.
Example: JUMP back, REPEAT and observe again
sr “/y/h/=,/d/e/d/_,/d,/@1/@2/j3” “/d0{/d3}/D1/D2” <A.csv >B.csv
searches for two lines that match perfectly after their first commas (/@1/@2). It then copies the text from the second line before its first comma into the first line, after its first comma. The copy is enclosed in braces {/d3}.
All counters and the ERRORLEVEL are displayed on the terminal (/Y).
The JUMP (/j3) puts the test-point back to the beginning of the second line so the FINDINGS encompass only the first line. So, the next test will compare the second and third lines. Without the JUMP, the next test would compare the third and fourth lines. This also means that the copy operation of /d3 was legally taken from outside the final FINDINGS.
This can be used to merge similar records with differing first fields.
All DRUDGES in STRING2 (REPEATERS and COUNTERS) share a common resource, which limits their total quantity to 10. Those DRUDGES will be skipped.
FIND and SORT are two filters that are built into most operating systems. They are used in many examples herein to demonstrate the use of other filters. But, they do not work the same in all environments!
ERRORLEVELS below 256 are added together and are non-fatal warnings.
ERRORLEVELS above 256 are fatal, but some operating systems truncate ERRORLEVELS to a byte. This will never convert an error number to zero: no error.
0 | STRING1 successfully replaced by STRING2. |
1 | STRING1 not found. Nothing was changed. |
2 | Too many DELIMITERS. DELIMITER 10 = last DELIMITED byte. |
4 | No standard output transmitted. Everything was deleted. |
8 | Slash ignored. |
16 | Too many DRUDGES in STRING2. DRUDGES skipped. |
32 | MAX less than MIN in /-n and /+n pair. Used latter. |
64 | Expected } after {. |
128 | Expected a number. |
257 | Operation not permitted |
258 | No such file or directory |
259 | No such process |
260 | Interrupted system call |
261 | Input/Output error |
262 | No such device or address |
263 | Argument list too long |
264 | Executable file format error |
265 | Bad file descriptor |
266 | No child processes |
267 | Resource temporarily unavailable |
268 | Cannot allocate memory / Not enough space |
269 | Permission denied |
270 | Bad address |
271 | Block device required / Unknown error |
272 | Device or resource busy |
273 | File exists |
274 | Invalid cross-device link / Improper link |
275 | No such device |
276 | Not a directory |
277 | Is a directory |
278 | Invalid argument |
279 | Too many open files in system |
280 | Too many open files |
281 | Inappropriate ioctl for device |
282 | Text file busy / Unknown error |
283 | File too large |
284 | No space left on device |
285 | Illegal seek |
286 | Read-only file system |
287 | Too many links |
288 | Broken pipe |
289 | Numerical argument out of domain |
290 | Number out of range |
291 | No message of desired type / Unknown error |
292 | Identifier removed / Resource deadlock avoided |
293 | Channel number out of range / Unknown error |
294 | Level 2 not synchronized / File-name too long |
295 | Level 3 halted / No locks available |
296 | Level 3 reset / Function not implemented |
297 | Link number out of range / Directory not empty |
298 | Protocol driver not attached / Illegal byte sequence! |
299 | No CSI structure available |
300 | Level 2 halted |
301 | Resource deadlock avoided |
302 | No locks available |
303 | *Argument list too short |
304 | *Infinite loop aborted |
305 | *Findings length exceeded available memory |
306 | Invalid exchange |
307 | Invalid request descriptor |
308 | Exchange full |
309 | No anode |
310 | Invalid request code |
311 | Invalid slot |
312 | File locking deadlock error |
313 | Bad font file format |
316 | Device not a stream |
317 | No data available |
318 | Timer expired |
319 | Out of streams resources |
320 | Machine is not on the network |
321 | Package not installed |
322 | Object is remote |
323 | Link has been severed |
324 | Advertise error |
325 | Srmount error |
326 | Communication error on send |
327 | Protocol error |
330 | Multihop attempted |
331 | Inode is remote (not really error) |
332 | RFS specific error |
333 | Bad message |
335 | Inappropriate file type or format |
336 | Name not unique on network |
337 | File descriptor in bad state |
338 | Remote address changed |
339 | Cannot access a needed shared library |
340 | Accessing a corrupted shared library |
341 | .lib section in a.out corrupted |
342 | Attempting to link in too many shared libraries |
343 | Cannot exec a shared library directly |
344 | Function not implemented |
345 | No more files |
346 | Directory not empty |
347 | File name too long |
348 | Too many levels of symbolic links |
351 | Operation not supported |
352 | Protocol family not supported |
360 | Connection reset by peer |
361 | No buffer space available |
362 | Address family not supported by protocol |
363 | Protocol wrong type for socket |
364 | Socket operation on non-socket |
365 | Protocol not available |
366 | Cannot send after transport endpoint shut-down |
367 | Connection refused |
368 | Address already in use |
369 | Software caused connection abort |
370 | Network is unreachable |
371 | Network is down |
372 | Connection timed out |
373 | Host is down |
374 | No route to host |
375 | Operation now in progress |
376 | Operation already in progress |
377 | Destination address required |
378 | Message too long |
379 | Protocol not supported |
380 | Socket type not supported |
381 | Cannot assign requested address |
382 | Network dropped connection on reset |
383 | Transport endpoint is already connected |
384 | Transport endpoint is not connected |
385 | Too many references: cannot splice |
386 | Too many processes |
387 | Too many users |
388 | Disk quota exceeded |
389 | Stale NFS file handle |
390 | Not supported |
391 | No medium found |
392 | No such host or network path |
393 | File-name exists with different case |
394 | Invalid or incomplete multi-byte or wide character |
395 | Value too large for defined data type |
396 | Operation cancelled |
397 | State not recoverable |
398 | Previous owner died |
399 | Streams pipe error |
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